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Lectures, readings + broadcasting dates


"Löwenzahn" - episode "Bread" Ki.Ka at 19:25


Reading "Coastal Wolves 4" at the Altlandsberg City School.

Broadcast Dates

Podcast "Schick und schön" Nr. 4 (Amigo-affair)

Once again, André & Petra continue in a well-tempered sound to explore the ups and downs of friendship, the human surprise egg of life. You just never know what gimmick will be included. Internationally eagerly awaited: the findings of the two on the supermother question of all friendship discourses, which is: Can stinkin' normal straights be friends of mixed sex at all? And if so, why? And, of course, next-level shit on Consumption & Error: gifts that will enchant your friends for life.

Listen to it here. GERMAN ONLY.

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Podcast "Schick und schön" Nr. 3 (cornflakes' dust)

For the Whitsun edition, André and Petra switch to the serious subject. "Change" is the serious topic on which they both work through their scientifically completely unsubstantiated theses on resource research. Existential shocks under the thumb of Hamburg's infamous outdoor shower come up, as does the realisation that a good case of the flu is not a premium prerequisite for an extreme mountain tour. Both fates are now available for listening in the much-loved section "The Grip in the Toilet". To go along with this, both of them offer valuable housekeeping tips for aficionados - such as how to "effectively" load the dishwasher.

Listen to it here. GERMAN ONLY.

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Podcast "Schick und schön" Nr. 2 (Kuschelrock 2)

Oops! We forgot to talk about sex... this realisation leads to such a wild juggling of thoughts by the two chatterboxes André & Petra. Look forward to "Best of Clichés", the most embarrassing gift moments of all time and the ultimate answer to all relationship questions. Why real apologies rock and why God just put the wrong tick in the settings, you can find out exclusively in today's Sunday edition of Schick & Schön. Let's cuddle!

Listen to it here. GERMAN ONLY.

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Podcast "Schick und schön" Nr. 1 (Kann denn Schönheit Sünde sein?)

Today Petra and André turn the colourful gender wheel of good humour and talk about the imaginary body switch. What superpower has one always jealously admired in the other side? And: What could you achieve with skills like marathon burping? All this and evergreens such as barbecuing, the famous wanker dichotomy and the advantages of professional leg shaving are of course included for free.

Listen to it here. GERMAN ONLY.

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The Race on screen

Machmitmuseum, Senefelderstr. 5, 10437 Berlin
Saturday, 17.02.18 at 18:30

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The Race on TV

German channel RBB
Sunday, 24.09.17 at 05:55

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The Race on TV

German channel MDR
Saturday, 16.09.17 at 07:50

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The Race on TV

German channel WDR
Wednesday, 09.08.17 at 08:25

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The Race on TV

German channel BR
Sunday, 25.06.17 at 08:35

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The Race on TV

German channel RBB
Sunday, 30.04.17 at 14:05

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The Race on TV

German channel MDR
Saturday, 25.03.17 at 07:45

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The Race on TV

German channel Kika
Saturday, 11.03.17 at 14:00

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The Race on TV

German channel WDR
Tuesday, 23.08.16 at 08:20

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The Race on TV

German channel RBB
Sunday, 20.03.16 at 14:10

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The Race on TV

German channel KiKA
Saturday, 27.02.16 at 14:00

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The Race on TV

German channel MDR
Saturday, 07.11.15 at 07:30

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The Race on TV

German channel RBB
Sunday, 20.09.15 at 14:05

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The Race on TV

German channel BR
Thursday, 04.06.15 at 08:40
15th rerun!
German channel WDR
Sunday, 14.05.15 at 08:45

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The Race on TV

channel RBB, Germany

Sunday, 15.02.15 at 14:10

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The Race on TV

channel KiKa, Germany

Friday, 06.02.15 at 19:30

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The Race on TV

channel MDR Germany
Saturday, 11.10.14 at 07:30

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The Race on TV

channel KiKa Germany
Friday, 04.07.14 at 19:30

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The Race on TV

channel ARD Germany
Saturday, 19.07.14 at 12:03

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Löwenzahn - episode "hedgehogs"

channel Ki.Ka:
Sunday, 18.05.14 at 11:05
channel ZDF:
Sunday, 11.05.14 at 08:10

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The Race on TV

channel RBB Germany
Sunday, 27.04.14 at 14:10

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"The Race" on TV

channel Bavaria (BR):
Thursday, 26.12.13, at 10:25

channel Belgium:
Saturday, 30.12.13 at 14:05

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Löwenzahn - Episode "bread"

channel KiKa:
Sunday, 08.12.13 at 11:05

channel ZDF:
Sunday,01.12.13 at 08:10

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